As usual you make statements that you then are no willing to prove. You answered my question above with empty words.
What do you mean "as usual"? Usually I answer in considerable detail, but, given what I put up with on this board, I think I am entitled to indulge in a bit opf sport and mockery on occasion.
So you think silentlambs and Barbara did not confront the WT?
I would say that they did. But, that's not really analogous to Nathan's confrontation with David. For, one thing Jehovah spoke with Nathan and told him how to handle it.
Or will Jah use you as HIS spokman this time???
No. The Scriptures are pretty plain that God will use Christ to judge his people.
After the confrontation, which you think has not happened, will make then (GB) repent...they must for the parrallet to be true.
According to Christ when the judgment occurs some of his anointed ones will be cast out as evil and sluggish slaves and the rest will be chastised and forgiven. It will come down to an individual case-by-case judgment.
As as i mentioned to you before your post are too long. Many here dont have the time wich you seem to hava available.
That's pretty funny. Half the time I am accused of being too long winded and the other half I am accused of not answering in enough detail. You people are a trip man, as the hippies used to say. / You Know